Sumether Plus is a combination of Artemether and Lumefantrine popularly known as ACT combination therapy. Sumether Plus and similar class of medication are recommended by the WHO as the first line of treatment for patients suffering from Malaria.
The Artemether eliminates over 90% of the malaria parasite within the first 24 hours while lumefantrine stays in the body longer ensuring prolonged residual action after the first 3 days.
Sumether Plus is one of the most effective and affordable drugs used for complete cure for Malaria caused by malaria parasite.
Sumether Plus is effective and well tolerated. Sumether Plus is particularly effective in Nigeria where Malaria parasite is resistant to Chloroquine , Halfan and the earlier therapies.
Sumether Plus is safe and effective for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants. It is effective for all age groups.